Tuesday, May 6, 2008

WWE News: Mark Henry Gives Mr. McMahon Ultimatum

Mark Henry Gives Vince McMahon Ultimatum

Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter

Since the story broke that Michael Hayes' suspension was a direct result of Mark Henry going to WWE management and complaining about Hayes' racist remarks, many wrestlers have spoken to Mark Henry and tried ot get the real scoop on what happened. Henry has been telling people backstage that he went to Vince and said, “Either he goes or I go."

Things are very uncomfortable backstage regarding thoe whole situation. People are wondering how Hayes can be brought back after 60 days like nothing happened, but the general feeling is that Hayes will return. Hayes is very close with the McMahan family and it's unlikely he will leave the company over this incident. Not much happened to Hayes after he got drunk and made a scene at Stephanie and Hunter's wedding, so the feeling is that this too shall pass.

Despite being suspended, Michael Hayes is being kept up-to-date with storylines and company information via email.

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